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Correspondence Explorer

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Showing 9 letters from 1857–1861

2 letters from John Frederick William Herschel; 7 letters from Henri Victor Regnault

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Sir John Herschel publishes in the Proceedings of the Royal Society

1860: Sir John Herschel publishes some “Remarks on colour-blindness" extracted from a referee report on Pole’s paper on the same subject.


Death of Margaret Louisa Marshall, née Herschel, daughter of John Frederick William Herschel and Margaret Brodie Stewart


William Morris established the decorative design firm of Morris, Marshall, Faulkner & Company (later Morris & Company)


Charles Dickens publishes Great Expectations as a three-volume book


Sir John Herschel publishes Physical Geography as part of the Encyclopaedia Britannica.


Abraham Lincoln begins his term as President of the United States

4 March 1861