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John Frederick William Herschel
Henri Victor Regnault

Autograph letter signed by sender. Will ask Parisian doctors for information John Frederick William Herschel wanted and transmit it immediately. Hopes change of air will improve John Frederick William Herschel's health. Regrets John Frederick William Herschel is not closer to the capital so that the best doctors could help. Is writing Mr. Royer to ask him to write to John Frederick William Herschel.
Sender: Henri Victor Regnault Reference number: HS/14/312
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regrets deeply having missed seeing John Frederick William Herschel. Sends greetings to John Frederick William Herschel's family. Enjoyed trip around British Isles. Will now continue scientific work.
10 August 1857 Sender: Henri Victor Regnault Reference number: HS/14/314
Autograph letter signed by sender. Discusses his itinerary for the British Isles. Gives address where he may be reached. Wishes to visit John Frederick William Herschel at Collingwood. Congratulates John Frederick William Herschel on his improved health.
1857 Sender: Henri Victor Regnault Reference number: HS/14/320
Sir John Herschel publishes in the Proceedings of the Royal Society
1860: Sir John Herschel publishes some “Remarks on colour-blindness" extracted from a referee report on Pole’s paper on the same subject.
Death of Margaret Louisa Marshall, née Herschel, daughter of John Frederick William Herschel and Margaret Brodie Stewart
William Morris established the decorative design firm of Morris, Marshall, Faulkner & Company (later Morris & Company)
Charles Dickens publishes Great Expectations as a three-volume book
Sir John Herschel publishes Physical Geography as part of the Encyclopaedia Britannica.
Abraham Lincoln begins his term as President of the United States
4 March 1861

Autograph letter signed by sender. Talked to [L.-F.-C.?] Breguet for John Frederick William Herschel. Discusses work [on hygrometer?/metallic thermometer?] in detail, including diagrams. Regrets not having seen John Frederick William Herschel's daughters in Paris. Says he is recuperating from the 'catastrophe' and can still use his left eye.
1861 Sender: Henri Victor Regnault Reference number: HS/14/316
Autograph letter signed by sender. Forwards letter to HR from [L.-F.-C.?] Breguet, who desires to construct a metallic thermometer for John Frederick William Herschel. HR requests quick reply from John Frederick William Herschel.
2 December 1861 Sender: Henri Victor Regnault Reference number: HS/14/317
Copy of a letter. Describes objections to proposed metallic thermometer. Describes another simpler design for a metallic thermometer. Will ask [William] Sykes to consider HR's design.
11 December 1861 Sender: John Frederick William Herschel Reference number: HS/14/318
Autograph letter signed by sender. Sends photographs from study of trees. Has news from Mr. Stewart. Is attempting to complete his works on gases and vapors. Also working on treatise on physics. Wishes to see his work also published in English.
Sender: Henri Victor Regnault Reference number: HS/14/319