Correspondence map
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John Frederick William Herschel
George Biddell Airy
John Frederick William Herschel moves to 56 Devonshire St., Portland Place, London
John Frederick William Herschel serves as Secretary of the Royal Society
30 November 1824

Autograph letter signed by sender. Requesting information of the dispersion of rays in Crown and Flint glass.
22 January 1824 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/19
Autograph letter signed by sender. Description of theory of a telescope, though not practical yet.
13 February 1824 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/20
Autograph letter signed by sender. Concerning calculations for the parallax of Mars.
13 February 1824 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/21John Frederick William Herschel invents the actinometer to measure the heating power of the Sun’s rays
John Frederick William Herschel publishes in the Philosophical Transactions
John Frederick William Herschel publishes “On the parallax of the fixed stars”.

Autograph letter signed by sender. Asking for introductions to certain men of science in Paris. Revision of his views on his figure of the earth, and casting doubt on Edward Sabine's pendulum observations.
18 April 1826 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/22
Autograph letter signed by sender. Sending his paper on the 'Figure of the Earth.' Description of work at Greenwich Observatory. Remarks on projected expedition to Falmouth and Ashbourne.
25 April 1826 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/23
Autograph letter signed by sender. Instructions regarding the printing of his paper the 'Figure of the Earth' in the transactions. Details of the disappointing expedition to Falmouth.
3 July 1826 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/24
Autograph letter signed by sender. Thanking him for his letters of introduction to Paris. Remarks on one of George Biddell Airy's papers; one of his calculations incorrect.
7 July 1826 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/25
Autograph letter signed by sender. Information on a Mr. Atkinson. Remarks on dispersion of rays in glass.
22 November 1826 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/26Joseph Nicéphore Niépce presents his photographs in England for the first time

Autograph letter signed by sender. Asking for the procedure for bringing business before the Board of Longitude. Has found solar tables incorrect.
9 February 1827 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/27
Autograph letter signed by sender. Requesting permission to borrow Christiaan Huygens's telescope. Postscript of further remarks on the solar tables.
19 February 1827 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/28
Autograph letter signed by sender. Giving his reasons for wanting to borrow Christiaan Huygens's telescope. Postscript on recent observations with a prism.
7 March 1827 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/29
Autograph letter signed by sender. Questions concerning a vacant professorship at Dublin Observatory.
5 April 1827 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/30
Autograph letter signed by sender. Proposed visit to Dublin and letters of introduction from John Frederick William Herschel.
8 April 1827 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/31
Autograph letter signed by sender. Observations on the position of professorship at Dublin, conditions of service, income, etc.
20 April 1827 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/32
Autograph letter signed by sender. No news of Dublin. Remarks on a series of experiments. Observations on John Frederick William Herschel's paper on the Nautical Almanac.
4 May 1827 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/33
Autograph letter signed by sender. Further observations on John Frederick William Herschel's paper on the Nautical Almanac.
17 May 1827 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/34
Autograph letter signed by sender. Requesting a copy of John Frederick William Herschel's paper on 'Object planes.' Encloses with this letter his own paper on 'Eyepieces.' Requesting that Greenwich Observations be sent to the University Library, Cambridge.
24 October 1827 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/35
Autograph letter signed by sender. Asking John Frederick William Herschel to express his willingness to becoming Lucasian Professor at Cambridge University.
24 February 1828 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/36
Autograph letter signed by sender. Asking John Frederick William Herschel's opinion on how he should print his catalogue of observations of transits. Requests information on any forthcoming comets.
29 October 1828 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/37
Autograph letter signed by sender. Asking John Frederick William Herschel to get in touch with Charles Babbage. Thanking him for his observations on his catalogue of stars and transits.
27 November 1828 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/38John Frederick William Herschel and Margaret Brodie Stewart are married in London
3 March 1829

Autograph letter signed by sender. Remarks about his recent tour of Italy including his meeting with G. A. A. Plana and other Italian astronomers How to observe the Moon's mass.
2 November 1829 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/39John Frederick William Herschel is elected Foreign correspondent of the Académie des sciences
Birth of Caroline Emilia Mary Herschel, daughter of John Frederick William Herschel and Margaret Brodie Stewart
31 March 1830
John Frederick William Herschel is nominated for the presidency of the Royal Society, loses by 8 votes to the Duke of Sussex
30 November 1830

Autograph letter signed by sender. Giving observations on stars. Discussion of clock rates and sky sweeps.
24 January 1830 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/40
Autograph letter signed by sender. Informing John Frederick William Herschel that he and George Biddell Airy have just been appointed to a committee to consider the extension of the Astronomical Society's catalogue. Observations on this catalogue.
1 March 1830 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/41
Autograph letter signed by sender. Wants John Frederick William Herschel's views on a 20-foot reflector. Inviting him to Cambridge. With this letter he encloses Volume 2 of the Cambridge Observatory's Observations and Lectures in Optics.
23 May 1830 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/42
Autograph letter signed by sender. Sends volume of observations. Remarks on A. J. Fresnel's experiments. Lists errors in John Frederick William Herschel's treatise on light. Requests information on circular double refraction.
21 July 1830 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/43
Autograph letter signed by sender. Encloses paper 'Figure of the Earth.' Wants information on rays in quartz. Has tried A. J. Fresnel's experiments.
7 December 1830 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/44
Copy of draft letter, copied as part of the correspondence project led by Colonel John Herschel FRS following the death of his father. Comments on George Biddell Airy's and Edward Sabine's work on the figure of the earth; describes some results John Frederick William Herschel obtained from using quartz for polarizing light, and is unhappy with the proposed recipient of the R.A.S. medal, M. C. T. Damoiseau, whose lunar theory John Frederick William Herschel cannot understand.
29 December 1830 Sender: John Frederick William Herschel Reference number: HS/21/77
Copy letter in John Herschel's hand. Thanks George Biddell Airy for the second volume of his observations; wishes the publications of the Astronomer Royal were as good; adds some comments on polarization of light by liquids, and then talks about observing Georgium Sidum [Uranus], and deals with the orbits of satellites of planets generally.
27 July 1830 Sender: John Frederick William Herschel Reference number: HS/25/1/6Mary Somerville publishes Mechanism of the Heavens
Sir John Herschel is created Knight of the Royal Hanoverian Guelphic Order
Sir John Herschel publishes Preliminary Discourse on the Study of Natural Philosophy as part of Dionysius Lardner’s Cabinet Cyclopaedia.
Birth of Isabella Herschel, daughter of John Frederick William Herschel and Margaret Brodie Stewart
5 June 1831

Autograph letter signed by sender. Opinion on M. C. T. Damoiseau's theory and tables; worth a medal.
5 January 1831 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/46
Autograph letter signed by sender. Remarks on Greenwich observations.
27 January 1831 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/47
Autograph letter signed by sender. Wants 100 of John Frederick William Herschel's star forms. Wants any information on a collection of observations of Venus.
30 November 1831 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/48
Autograph letter signed by sender. Informs John Frederick William Herschel that he has published a new edition of his tracts (to turn Cambridge mathematics to physical applications). Wants his permission to use his theory on biaxial crystals. Remarks on David Brewster's theories and experiments.
16 July 1831 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/49
Autograph letter signed by sender. Has been making optical experiments. Hopes to see John Frederick William Herschel in the Spring. Hopes John Frederick William Herschel will be able to observe Encke's comet this year.
9 February 1832 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/50
Autograph letter signed by sender. Will he be visiting Cambridge this Spring?
27 April 1832 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/51
Autograph letter signed by sender. Observations on the various ways of measuring angular positions (of double stars). Opinion on John Frederick William Herschel publishing his catalogue of nebulae. Remarks on the low standard of astronomical observations in England compared with the Continent.
6 May 1832 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/52
Autograph letter signed by sender. Observations on the gravimeter.
2 December 1832 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/53
Autograph letter signed by sender. Requests that the engravings for the catalogue of nebulae be speeded up. Further observations on the gravimeter. Observations on W. R. Hamilton's experiments on biaxial crystals using A. J. Fresnel's wave surface theory.
17 December 1832 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/54
Autograph letter signed by sender. Requesting a copy of G. A. A. Plana and Francesco Carlini's 'Lunar Theory.' Further remarks on the practicability of the gravimeter.
30 December 1832 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/55Sir John Herschel receives the Royal Medal from the Royal Society
The Medal is awarded "For his paper on nebulae and clusters of stars, published in the Philosophical Transactions for 1833."
Sir John Herschel publishes A treatise on astronomy as part of Dionysius Lardner’s Cabinet Cyclopaedia.
Birth of William James Herschel, son of John Frederick William Herschel and Margaret Brodie Stewart
Sir John Herschel departs for South Africa with his wife and their three children
13 November 1833

Autograph letter signed by sender. Inviting John Frederick William Herschel to his house if he attends the meeting of the B.A.A.S. Proposes to visit John Frederick William Herschel in London.
3 February 1833 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/56
Autograph letter signed by sender. Observations on the work of S. D. Poisson and P. G. le D. Pontecoulant. Is John Frederick William Herschel's 20-ft. telescope any use for measuring angles and distances? Discussion of solar spots.
8 April 1833 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/57
Autograph letter signed by sender. Copy of letter to Hugh Percy (3rd Duke of Northumberland) stating that the Duke's offer of a refracting telescope of great power, to Cambridge Observatory would be a valuable gift. To John Frederick William Herschel: Remarks on gift of telescope, planet reduction money, and on his geological exploration of the Charnwood Forest.
20 August 1833 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/58
Autograph letter signed by sender. Has visited Hugh Percy (3rd Duke of Northumberland) at Buxton, who suggests that John Frederick William Herschel approaches R. A. Cauchoix for the glass for the new telescope.
26 August 1833 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/59
Autograph letter signed by sender. Further discussion of the telescope being donated by Hugh Percy (3rd Duke of Northumberland).
1 October 1833 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/60
Autograph letter signed by sender. Summary of the letter of same date sent to John Frederick William Herschel at Slough (HS.1.60).
1 October 1833 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/61
Autograph letter signed by sender. Has not been requested to settle the affair about Henry Taylor and the Stephen Groombridge business. Would John Frederick William Herschel send him what he has ready for printing, with directions? Observations on the 4th satellite of Jupiter.
21 October 1833 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/62
Copy letter in John Herschel's hand. Encourages George Biddell Airy to consider favorably the offer of Hugh Percy [Duke of Northumberland] of donating a telescope to Cambridge Observatory.
15 August 1833 Sender: John Frederick William Herschel Reference number: HS/25/3/16Birth of Margaret Louisa Herschel, daughter of John Frederick William Herschel and Margaret Brodie Stewart

Autograph letter signed by sender. Observations on the weather of the past winter. 42 Virginis. Printing of [Stephen] Groombridge's catalogue. Has written article for the Penny Cyclopaedia. Refracted light in prisms. Machine for polarization of the sky. Petition to Parliament to abolish religious tests for degrees at Cambridge.
24 April 1834 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/63
Autograph letter signed by sender. Summary of George Biddell Airy's 1834-4-24, with additional information that he has written a book entitled Gravitation. Confusion over 42 Virginis. Affair between James South, and Edward Troughton and William Simms has been referred to arbitration. Experiments on Newton's rings by transmission. Letter to Thomas Maclear about his mural circle. Saw the eclipse of 16 July. Tarnish of John Frederick William Herschel's mirrors. R. A. Cauchoix's delay with telescope. [The final two pages of this letter are from Richarda Airy to Margaret Brodie Herschel.]
20 June 1834 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/64

Autograph letter signed by sender. Abstracts of barometrical pressure in various parts of the earth. Has used James South's equatorial with Richard Sheepshanks's clockwork attached. Constitution of Paris Observatory being changed. D. F. J. Arago's experiments on glass and metal. Humphrey Lloyd's experiments on reflected light. Edinburgh's Observatory site likely to be changed. John Pond (Astronomer Royal) has been asked to resign. Thomas Maclear's Cape circle. Reasons for the delay in delivery of R. A. Cauchoix's telescope to Cambridge. House of Lords and Commons burnt down.
19 October 1834 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/66
Sir John Herschel serves as President of the Literary and Philosophical Society of the Cape of Good Hope
Halley’s comet becomes visible
28 November 1835

Autograph letter signed by sender. Has just been made president of the Royal Astronomical Society No news of John Pond's retirement. R. A. Cauchoix's telescope has arrived. Printing of his 1834 observations are well advanced.
14 February 1835 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/68Autograph letter signed by sender. Sends his 1834 observations. Has received John Frederick William Herschel's weather observing instructions. Likely to accept the post of Astronomer Royal when John Pond resigns. Further remarks on new telescope and of E. J. Cooper's (near Sligo) - planetary disks - errors of divisions of circles. Possibility of small observatory in Upper Canada.
10 July 1835 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/69
Draft in John Herschel's hand. Congratulates George Biddell Airy on being honored by H. M. Government [George Biddell Airy was offered a knighthood, which he declined], and of being appointed Astronomer Royal, and further tells George Biddell Airy about some of John Frederick William Herschel's observations, and the instruments in use [letter finished 11 Oct.].
19 September 1835 Sender: John Frederick William Herschel Reference number: HS/1/70
Copy of draft letter, copied as part of the correspondence project led by Colonel John Herschel FRS following the death of his father. Congratulates George Biddell Airy on being honored by H. M. Government [George Biddell Airy was offered a knighthood, which he declined], and of being appointed Astronomer Royal, and further tells George Biddell Airy about some of John Frederick William Herschel's observations, and the instruments in use [letter finished 11 Oct.].
19 September 1835 Sender: John Frederick William Herschel Reference number: HS/21/187
Copy letter in John Herschel's hand. Describes the tests and adjustments John Frederick William Herschel has recommended to Thomas Maclear to try to remove anomalies from the functioning of the transit circle at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope; also comments on the beauty of some southern nebulae.
20 February 1835 Sender: John Frederick William Herschel Reference number: HS/25/4/7Birth of Alexander Stewart Herschel, son of John Frederick William Herschel and Margaret Brodie Stewart
5 February 1836

Autograph letter signed by sender. Past difficulties and faults with running of Royal Observatory. Hopes Halley's Comet has been observed. Further information on the telescope presented to Cambridge Observatory by Hugh Percy (3rd Duke of Northumberland). James Challis has succeeded George Biddell Airy at Cambridge. Proposed new railway near Royal Observatory and its effect on observations.
7 February 1836 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/71
Autograph letter signed by sender. Another son born. Has given lectures at Cambridge University. Remarks on routine at Royal Observatory. St. Helena Observatory closed. Printing of the Greenwich Observations. 'Northumberland' telescope not ready yet. Observations on the Greenwich zenith tube. Estimates for the Observatory. Suggests that the Observatory should be moved to a new site. Railway plan near Greenwich altered. James MacCullagh's new theory of optics.
3 November 1836 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/72Victoria becomes Queen of the United Kingdom
20 June 1837
Birth of John Herschel, son of John Frederick William Herschel and Margaret Brodie Stewart
29 October 1837
Sir John Herschel returns from South Africa
1838: A banquet in presence of Queen Victoria is given to celebrate his return to Britain and made a Baronet.

Autograph letter signed by sender. Encloses official instructions to Thomas Maclear. Prices of telescopes. Remarks on caustics.
26 June 1838 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/73
Draft in John Herschel's hand. About John Frederick William Herschel's visit to Carl Friedrich Gauss, and Gauss's well-devised magnetic measuring instruments.
21 July 1838 Sender: John Frederick William Herschel Reference number: HS/1/74
Copy of draft letter, copied as part of the correspondence project led by Colonel John Herschel FRS following the death of his father. About John Frederick William Herschel's visit to Carl Friedrich Gauss, and Gauss's well-devised magnetic measuring instruments.
21 July 1838 Sender: John Frederick William Herschel Reference number: HS/21/254Sir John Herschel serves his first term as President of the Royal Astronomical Society
1839: to 1841
Birth of Maria Sophia Herschel, daughter of John Frederick William Herschel and Margaret Brodie Stewart
William Henry Fox Talbot presents his paper-based photographic process at the Royal Society

Autograph letter signed by sender. Any news of Field Measuring bars?alteration in size of Observatory at Cape Town? Observations on use of magnetic needle. Has John Frederick William Herschel found a suitable country house yet?
20 January 1839 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/75
Autograph letter signed by sender. Further observations on the alterations at Cape Town Observatory. Any news of the measuring bars?
3 February 1839 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/76
Autograph letter signed by sender. Thomas Maclear's assistant and equipment arranged. Observations on copper horse-shoe bars applied to the end of his magnet.
25 February 1839 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/77
Autograph letter signed by sender. Knows nothing about Kew Observatory, but has heard of the name of the present office holder there.
16 April 1839 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/78
Autograph letter signed by sender. Has sent to John Frederick William Herschel papers relating to London University. Hopes John Frederick William Herschel will accept a senatorship.
19 June 1839 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/79
Autograph letter signed by sender. Has lost two sons with scarlet fever. Description of house at Playford, Sussex.
16 July 1839 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/80
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding C. F. Gauss's magnetical observations. Domestic happenings.
15 August 1839 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/81
Autograph letter signed by sender. George Everest-Thomas Jervis affair.
3 October 1839 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/82
Draft letter. George Everest-Thomas Jervis affair. Observations on the production of color by chemical rays.
9 October 1839 Sender: John Frederick William Herschel Reference number: HS/1/83
Autograph letter signed by sender. Concerning John Frederick William Herschel's experiments with photogenic light. Encloses paper of the comparisons between John Frederick William Herschel's and the Observatory's barometers. The Royal Astronomical Society and Royal Society [of London] want a subject for medals in astronomy, Royal Society [of London] for a Copley medal in anything.
31 October 1839 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/84
Autograph letter signed by sender. Double image micrometer has arrived; limitations and use of it. Wants list of stars for regular observations.
26 November 1839 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/85
Copy of draft letter, copied as part of the correspondence project led by Colonel John Herschel FRS following the death of his father. George Everest-Thomas Jervis affair. Observations on the production of color by chemical rays.
9 October 1839 Sender: John Frederick William Herschel Reference number: HS/22/27Sir John Herschel publishes in the Philosophical Transactions
1840: Sir John Herschel publishes “On the chemical action of the rays of the solar spectrum on preparations of silver and other substances, both metallic and non-metallic; and on some photographic processes”

Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding Prof. Baden Powell's paper on dark bands. Is making catalogues of the moveables of the observatory.
17 May 1840 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/86
Autograph letter signed by sender. Concerning prism refraction.
20 May 1840 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/87
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding the printing of Thomas Maclear's Survey papers. Work on magnetical and meteorological observations.
14 July 1840 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/88
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding equipment at Royal Observatory. Comparison of planets.
20 August 1840 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/89
Autograph letter signed by sender. Further observations on David Brewster's experiments. On heliometers. Observations on suggestions for Standards.
2 November 1840 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/90
Autograph letter signed by sender. On the possibility of obtaining a heliometer from Munich.
10 November 1840 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/91Sir Robert Peel becomes Prime Minister
Birth of Amelia Herschel, daughter of John Frederick William Herschel and Margaret Brodie Stewart

Autograph letter signed by sender. Sending two copies of the 'Extracts relating to Standards.' Remarks on these extracts. Requests John Frederick William Herschel to fix a date for a meeting to discuss the report.
16 January 1841 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/92
Autograph letter signed by sender. Sending draft of report and appendix. Specimen of a gauging scale.
20 March 1841 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/93
Autograph letter signed by sender. Informing John Frederick William Herschel of a meeting of the Commission on Standards at Somerset House on 28 May 1841.
25 May 1841 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/94
Autograph letter signed by sender. ReGeorge Biddell Airyrding John Frederick William Herschel's examination of the observations of equinoxes and solstices; George Biddell Airy assures him that these occurrences are observed by Cambridge and Greenwich, though John Frederick William Herschel does not mention it. Hopes he has received the report of the last 'Standards' meeting.
3 July 1841 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/95
Autograph letter signed by sender. Returning photographs. Hopes Lady Herschel is well. Remarks on Admiralty printing Planetary reductions.
9 July 1841 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/96
Autograph letter signed by sender. Has sent John Frederick William Herschel's report on N. L. Lacaille's star computations to William Whewell.
27 July 1841 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/97
Autograph letter signed by sender. Has received John Frederick William Herschel's 'Report' proof regarding John Frederick William Herschel's description of specific gravity. Captive balloons. Would John Frederick William Herschel refer him to D. F. J. Arago's experiments on the shadow of a disk.
14 August 1841 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/98Birth of Julia Herschel, daughter of John Frederick William Herschel and Margaret Brodie Stewart
Sir John Herschel publishes in the Philosophical Transactions
1842: Sir John Herschel publishes “On the action of the rays of the solar spectrum on vegetable colours, and on some new photographic processes”

Autograph letter signed by sender. Sending two papers, one for the Physical Committee.
5 January 1842 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/99
Draft letter. Concerning Airy's papers recently submitted [see George Biddell Airy's 1842-1-5]. Hopes he will continue to send a report of his experiments and observations.
21 January 1842 Sender: John Frederick William Herschel Reference number: HS/1/100
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding John Frederick William Herschel's receipt of the 'Standard' reports. Remarks on the electrometer and barometer in the recent storm.
10 March 1842 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/101
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding his letter writing. Has a promise of a trip on the Dover Railway.
15 March 1842 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/102
Autograph letter signed by sender. Hopes to meet John Frederick William Herschel on 29 March.
21 March 1842 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/103
Autograph letter signed by sender. Returns photographs of spectrum, with observations on the results.
21 April 1842 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/104
Autograph letter signed by sender. Returning photographs, with observations. Regarding the transport of loads in hilly country. Remarks on the transcription and pronunciation of foreign languages.
28 April 1842 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/105
Autograph letter signed by sender. Returning packet of papers on magnetism. Encloses copy of a letter he has sent to Edward Sabine. Has seen the recent eclipse of the sun.
24 August 1842 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/106
Draft not in Herschel's hand. Information on the constitution of a sub-committee formed to revise instructions issued to the Magnetic Observatory. Further instructions regarding the functioning of this committee.
25 August 1842 Sender: John Frederick William Herschel Reference number: HS/1/107
Autograph letter signed by sender. Encloses copy of a letter written to Edward Sabine. Wants instruments of quicker vibration.
31 August 1842 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/108
Autograph letter signed by sender. Asking John Frederick William Herschel for his views on Charles Babbage's calculating machine, so that he can pass on the information to the Chancellor of the Exchequer.
16 September 1842 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/109
Draft letter. Reply to George Biddell Airy's letter on Charles Babbage's calculating machine.
21 September 1842 Sender: John Frederick William Herschel Reference number: HS/1/110
Autograph letter signed by sender. Robinsons (Devonshire St.) have offered their standard Troy pound, together with its history for 20-0-0. [John Frederick William Herschel has added notes from his reply regarding the present whereabouts of the various Troy pounds.]
22 September 1842 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/111
Autograph letter signed by sender. Further remarks on his letter concerning Charles Babbage's calculating machine (see George Biddell Airy's 1842-9-16) in order to clarify John Frederick William Herschel's mind.
22 September 1842 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/112
Autograph letter signed by sender. Encloses the Chancellor of the Exchequer's letter concerning Charles Babbage's calculating machine.
26 September 1842 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/113
Autograph letter signed by sender. Has arranged meeting to discuss N. L. Lacaille's observations. Sends a toy purchased in the streets of London.
5 November 1842 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/114
Copy of draft letter, copied as part of the correspondence project led by Colonel John Herschel FRS following the death of his father. Concerning Airy's papers recently submitted [see George Biddell Airy's 1842-1-5]. Hopes he will continue to send a report of his experiments and observations.
21 January 1842 Sender: John Frederick William Herschel Reference number: HS/22/110
Copy of letter, copied as part of the correspondence project led by Colonel John Herschel FRS following the death of his father. Is organizing a committee to revise the instructions for observers at magnetic observatories; George Biddell Airy is on it.
25 August 1842 Sender: John Frederick William Herschel Reference number: HS/22/132
Copy of draft letter, copied as part of the correspondence project led by Colonel John Herschel FRS following the death of his father. Reply to George Biddell Airy's letter on Charles Babbage's calculating machine.
21 September 1842 Sender: John Frederick William Herschel Reference number: HS/22/135
Copy letter in John Herschel's hand. About eclipse observations of 1842, together with John Frederick William Herschel's speculations about the existence of an atmosphere around the sun. Enclosed is an eclipse drawing by Francis Baily.
1 September 1842 Sender: John Frederick William Herschel Reference number: HS/25/6/11
Contemporary copy in sender's hand, signed by sender. Remarks on the significant increase in brightness of the star Eta Cygni, and comments on several other variable stars.
6 September 1842 Sender: John Frederick William Herschel Reference number: HS/25/6/13Regarding the circulation of Airy's note on 'the Absolute Measure', as well as theories on the correlation of magnetic storms and auroras. Airy additionally references correspondence with [Adolphe] Quetelet.
22 January 1842 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: MC/3/202
Autograph letter signed by sender. Sending copy of George Biddell Airy's 'Tides and Waves' for Encyclopaedia Metropolitana; would be glad of John Frederick William Herschel's comments. Also encloses his eclipse paper.
9 January 1843 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/115
Autograph letter signed by sender. Answer to one of John Frederick William Herschel's on 9 January [apparently on equatorial telescopes].
10 January 1843 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/116
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding William Cubitt (Engineer of the Dover Railway) and the proposed blasting down of the cliffs between Dover and Folkestone.
18 January 1843 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/117
Autograph letter signed by sender. Further news of his proposed visit to Dover to see the blasting of the cliffs?
23 January 1843 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/118
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding projected committee for the construction of new Standards for weights and measures. Any observations or further instructions for captain visiting the China coast?
23 January 1843 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/119
Autograph letter signed by sender. Covering letter to one by Edward Cooper regarding appearance and observations on new comet.
24 March 1843 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/120
Autograph letter signed by sender. Offers John Frederick William Herschel information about, and maps of, Switzerland, as George Biddell Airy understands John Frederick William Herschel is going there.
22 April 1843 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/121
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding Captain [Charles ?] Gray's letter. Robert Peel has written asking Francis Baily and W. H. Miller to do the 'Standards.'
10 May 1843 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/122
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding H. C. Schumacher and the Stephen Groombridge observations.
6 June 1843 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/123
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding a letter from F. W. Bessel. On holiday on the Isle of Wight.
12 June 1843 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/124
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding a meeting of the new 'Standard' committee.
24 June 1843 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/125
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding the measurement of angles. Observations on a problem set by John Frederick William Herschel.
20 July 1843 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/126
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding a telescope for Thomas Maclear.
13 August 1843 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/127
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding the storage of the Standard weights and measures.
9 September 1843 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/128
Autograph letter signed by sender. Requires information on an actinometer.
16 September 1843 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/129
Autograph letter signed by sender. Encloses copy of a paper for John Frederick William Herschel's comments. ReGeorge Biddell Airyrding reviews of George Biddell Airy's paper on 'Tides.'
4 October 1843 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/130
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding glass for the telescope for the Cape Town Observatory?
9 December 1843 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/131
Draft letter. Regarding custody of the Standards.
1843-9 Sender: John Frederick William Herschel Reference number: HS/1/333
Contemporary copy in sender's hand, signed by sender. Has received a request from the Admiralty to order a new telescope for the Cape observatory; at the same time, John Frederick William Herschel has received an unsolicited offer of a lens. John Frederick William Herschel seeks advice and information from George Biddell Airy.
16 August 1843 Sender: John Frederick William Herschel Reference number: HS/25/6/17
Copy of draft letter, copied as part of the correspondence project led by Colonel John Herschel FRS following the death of his father. Regarding custody of the Standards.
1843-9 Sender: John Frederick William Herschel Reference number: HS/25/13/12Birth of Matilda Rose Herschel, daughter of John Frederick William Herschel and Margaret Brodie Stewart

Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding electrometers and their efficiency.
26 January 1844 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/132
Autograph letter signed by sender. Further regarding glass for telescope. Postscript relating experiments with electricity.
31 January 1844 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/133
Autograph letter signed by sender. Has John Frederick William Herschel received Thomas Maclear's observations on Encke's comet?
12 March 1844 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/134
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding Cape Town telescopes. Has written to Thomas Maclear for observations on Encke's comet.
21 March 1844 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/135
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding John Frederick William Herschel's forthcoming visit to the Greenwich Observatory.
27 May 1844 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/136
Draft letter. Regarding object glasses for telescopes. Relative merits of Munich and French object glasses.
18 June 1844 Sender: John Frederick William Herschel Reference number: HS/1/137
Autograph letter signed by sender. Further observations on object glasses.
29 June 1844 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/138
Copy of letter, in unknown hand. Does not believe that a magnetic congress held at this time would be productive or representative; a better job could be done by letter.
30 July 1844 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/139
Autograph letter signed by sender. Informing John Frederick William Herschel that he certainly wrote to him from Limerick.
26 August 1844 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/140
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding F. W. Bessel's letter on the irregularity of proper motion in stars. Is it worth printing Nevil Maskelyne's observations on star places?
28 August 1844 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/141
Autograph letter signed by sender. Hopes John Frederick William Herschel will write a memoir of Francis Baily.
23 September 1844 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/142
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding object planes for the telescope.
16 October 1844 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/143
Autograph letter signed by sender. Giving abridged history of the establishment of the new Board of Visitors to the Royal Observatory. Details concerning the Nautical Almanac. Standards commission.
29 October 1844 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/144
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regrets his delay in not returning F. W. Bessel's letter. Observations arising from this letter.
16 November 1844 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/145
Draft letter. Whether a repulsive force from the sun affects the tails of comets and thus the constancy of their orbits.
30 May 1844 Sender: John Frederick William Herschel Reference number: HS/22/196
Copy of draft letter, copied as part of the correspondence project led by Colonel John Herschel FRS following the death of his father. Regarding object glasses for telescopes. Relative merits of Munich and French object glasses.
18 June 1844 Sender: John Frederick William Herschel Reference number: HS/22/199Sir John Herschel serves as President of the British Association

Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding magnetic establishments and observations.
1 April 1845 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/146
Autograph letter signed by sender. Wants information on dispersion/separation of light in plate or crown glass.
4 April 1845 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/147
Autograph letter signed by sender. Asking him to read George Biddell Airy's medal-speech.
7 April 1845 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/148
Autograph letter signed by sender. Is enclosing two transcripts of letters from William Simms relating to the object-glass. a. Hopes to give account next week. b. One glass good, other has failed.
16 April 1845 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/149
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding the acceleration of retention of a shrinking sphere.
16 April 1845 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/150
Autograph letter signed by sender. Passes on information received from Thomas Maclear regarding stars. Has tried to use William Simm's object-glass.
27 April 1845 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/151
Autograph letter signed by sender. Giving the plan of the Observatory.
1 May 1845 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/152
Autograph letter signed by sender. Encloses transcript of letter dealing with object-glasses. Has given notice that he has withdrawn from the Physical Committee of the Royal Society [of London]
10 May 1845 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/153
Autograph letter signed by sender. Hopes John Frederick William Herschel will be staying with him. Would like statement from John Frederick William Herschel regarding the Magnetic Observatory.
30 May 1845 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/154
Autograph letter signed by sender. Giving notice of a meeting of the Standards Commission.
30 May 1845 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/155
Autograph letter signed by sender. Asking him to arrange distribution of the Royal Astronomical Society catalogues as he is too busy. When is John Frederick William Herschel going to try William Simm's object planes?
25 July 1845 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/156
Autograph letter signed by sender. Requesting John Frederick William Herschel to jog Sir Robert [Peel's?] memory.
3 October 1845 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/157
Autograph letter signed by sender. Thanking John Frederick William Herschel for his letter on double star orbits. Observations on angles of position of Gamma Virginis.
3 October 1845 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/158
Autograph letter signed by sender. Is sending letters by W. R. Dawes and F. W. Bessel, the latter occasioned by a volume of 'Planetary reductions' presented to him by George Biddell Airy.
20 October 1845 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/159
Autograph letter signed by sender. Mrs. Airy has given birth to a son.
29 October 1845 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/160
Autograph letter signed by sender. Introducing B. A. Gould, who wishes to study observatories and astronomy in Europe. George Biddell Airy doubts whether he will be able to attend the meeting of the Royal Astronomical Society
12 November 1845 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/161
Autograph letter signed by sender. Passing on information received from a O. M. Mitchel[l] of Cincinnati regarding Antares, and the surface of the sun.
8 December 1845 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/162
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding estimates and payment for a parallectical mounting.
10 December 1845 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/163
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding the condition for determining the best possible orbit for a double star.
27 December 1845 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/164
Draft letter. Regarding measure of Virginis.
1845-10 Sender: John Frederick William Herschel Reference number: HS/1/332
Copy of draft letter, copied as part of the correspondence project led by Colonel John Herschel FRS following the death of his father. Believes George Biddell Airy's measurements [see George Biddell Airy's 1845-10-1] seriously in error, and strenuously defends John Frederick William Herschel's method.
2 October 1845 Sender: John Frederick William Herschel Reference number: HS/25/13/6Birth of Francisca Herschel, daughter of John Frederick William Herschel and Margaret Brodie Stewart
Sir John Herschel serves his second term as Foreign Secretary of the Royal Astronomical Society
1846: To 1847

Autograph letter signed by sender. Letter of introduction for Professor [J.?] Hoffer of Vienna.
24 June 1846 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/165
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding the printing of John Frederick William Herschel's countings field-falls of stars.
13 July 1846 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/166
Draft in John Herschel's hand. Has still not received F. W. Bessel's original letter [see George Biddell Airy's 1844-11-16].
31 July 1846 Sender: John Frederick William Herschel Reference number: HS/1/167
Autograph letter signed by sender. Just returned from nine weeks on the continent. Met Miss Caroline Herschel, who mentioned a catalogue of John Flamsteed's stars to which she had attached some notes.
13 October 1846 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/168
Autograph letter signed by sender. Is thinking of writing an account of the new planet.
13 October 1846 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/169
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding the slow motion screw in declination.
26 October 1846 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/170
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding his paper about the new planet. Attacks by article in the Athenaeum.
30 October 1846 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/171
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding F. W. Bessel's table for the Huygenian satellite. On early chronology.
19 November 1846 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/172
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding Johann Lamont's numbers.
21 November 1846 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/173
Autograph letter signed by sender. Lists the contents of a parcel being sent.
21 December 1846 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/174
Autograph letter signed by sender. Domestic news. Further regarding telescopes and slow motion in declination.
26 December 1846 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/175
Copy of draft letter, copied as part of the correspondence project led by Colonel John Herschel FRS following the death of his father. Has still not received F. W. Bessel's original letter [see George Biddell Airy's 1844-11-16].
31 July 1846 Sender: John Frederick William Herschel Reference number: HS/22/277Sir John Herschel serves his second term as President of the Royal Astronomical Society
1847: Until 1849
Sir John Herschel receives the Copley Medal
1847: Sir John Herschel receives the Copley Medal of the Royal Society "For his work entitled Results of Astronomical Observations made during the years 1834, 1835, 1836, 1837 and 1838, at the Cape of Good Hope; being a completion of a telescopic survey of the whole surface of the visible heavens, commenced in 1825"
Sir John Herschel publishes a paper
1847: Sir John Herschel publishes Results of astronomical observations made during the years 1834, 5, 6, 7, 8, at the Cape of Good Hope; being a completion of a telescopic survey of the whole surface of the visible heavens, commenced in 1825.

Autograph letter signed by sender. Sends extracts of a letter from H. C. Schumacher. Does not agree with Schumacher regarding F. W. Bessel's 'specific attraction.'
6 January 1847 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/176
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding W. S. Stratford and the printing of the catalogues. F. W. Bessel's star corrections.
1 February 1847 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/177
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding F. W. Bessel's doubt concerning the law of gravitation.
1 February 1847 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/178
Autograph letter signed by sender. Is sending papers, from an American, for John Frederick William Herschel's opinion.
9 February 1847 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/179
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding pamphlets concerning F. W. Bessel. Altitude instrument finished.
30 March 1847 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/180
Autograph letter signed by sender. Concerning Thomas Henderson's reductions of N. L. Lacaille's observations.
10 May 1847 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/181
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding the final payments for the Liverpool Telescope.
11 June 1847 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/182
Autograph letter signed by sender. Wants a copy of his Cape Results for his assistant. Would he continue to observe the duration of annularity in the coming eclipse?
27 September 1847 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/183
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding a letter from the Newcastle Philosophical Society.
29 September 1847 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/184
Autograph letter signed by sender. Concerning the method of observation by direct and reflected vision.
1 October 1847 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/185
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding H. C. Schumacher and the intended distribution of J. J. F. Lalande's catalogue.
6 October 1847 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/186
Autograph letter signed by sender. Did he see the eclipse? Agrees with him over the H. C. Schumacher proposals.
13 October 1847 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/187
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding the forthcoming meeting. Concerning the telescope used at Pulkowa.
29 October 1847 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/188
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding magnetic disturbances.
1 November 1847 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/189
Autograph letter signed by sender. Currents in telegraph wires.
4 November 1847 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/190
Autograph letter signed by sender. Sending account of the magnetic disturbances of 24 September 1847.
25 November 1847 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/191
Copy autographed or initialed by sender. Proposes that the Royal Astronomical Society award medals regarding the discovery of Neptune to both U. J. J. Leverrier and J. C. Adams, giving first honors to Leverrier, and specifying distinctly the grounds for awarding the second. Hopes his resolution will not be seen as blaming anyone and that it will have a 'healing and a friendly effect.'
11 February 1847 Sender: John Frederick William Herschel Reference number: HS/16/61
Copy of letter, copied as part of the correspondence project led by Colonel John Herschel FRS following the death of his father. Proposes that the Royal Astronomical Society award medals regarding the discovery of Neptune to both U. J. J. Leverrier and J. C. Adams, giving first honors to Leverrier, and specifying distinctly the grounds for awarding the second. Hopes his resolution will not be seen as blaming anyone and that it will have a 'healing and a friendly effect.'
11 February 1847 Sender: John Frederick William Herschel Reference number: HS/25/9/37The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood is formed, by John Everett Millais, Dante Gabriel Rosetti and others
Napoleon III is elected first President of France
20 December 1848

Autograph letter signed by sender. Further regarding the distribution of the J. J. F. Lalande catalogue.
29 January 1848 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/192
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding spots on the sun and [T. J.?] Hussey and [A.?] Dawson's observations.
1 February 1848 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/193
Autograph letter signed by sender. Concerning P. A. Hansen's observations of Lunar irregularities.
3 February 1848 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/194
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding the proposed eight-inch object glass. Supplementary estimate for the Admiralty. Extract of a letter from Otto Struve.
17 February 1848 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/195
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding modifications for the actinometer. Has written to Georg Merz regarding the object-glass. Regarding the eight-inch object-glass. Name of the maker of his actinometer. [John Frederick William Herschel has written a rough draft of his reply to this letter on the same sheet.]
24 February 1848 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/196
Autograph letter signed by sender. Georg Merz's practice regarding the sale of object-glasses. Is preparing a model of a transit circle.
27 February 1848 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/197
Autograph letter signed by sender. Concerning object-glasses.
5 April 1848 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/198
Autograph letter signed by sender. Concerning the new meridional instrument. Is John Frederick William Herschel coming to town soon?
5 April 1848 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/199
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding the reinstatement of the zenith tube.
4 May 1848 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/200
Autograph letter signed by sender. Further information on the zenith tube. Description of a zenith tube.
6 May 1848 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/201
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding Mary Somerville's proposals for extraordinary terrestrial refractions?Admiralty Manual.
15 July 1848 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/202
Autograph letter signed by sender. Asks John Frederick William Herschel for his opinion of F. W. A. Argelander's letter concerning the publication of his work by the Royal Astronomical Society
13 September 1848 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/204
Autograph letter signed by sender. Concerning the eighth satellite. Observations on U. J. J. Leverrier's paper.
25 September 1848 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/205
Autograph letter signed by sender. Queries regarding the perturbation sheets.
28 September 1848 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/206
Autograph letter signed by sender. Encloses perturbation sheets for checking.
4 October 1848 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/207
Autograph letter signed by sender. Has received further proof sheets of the perturbations from the printer. Regarding Isaac Newton's theory of the motion of the moon's apse.
13 October 1848 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/208
Draft letter. Regarding Isaac Newton's theory of the motion of the moon's apse. Concerning the reliability of J. H. Seyfforth's theories. Status of the Ipswich Philosophical Society.
21 October 1848 Sender: John Frederick William Herschel Reference number: HS/1/208a
Autograph letter signed by sender. Further reGeorge Biddell Airyrding George Biddell Airy's defense of Isaac Newton's theory on the moon. J. H. Seyfforth's theories seem plausible. Ipswich Philosophical Society.
24 October 1848 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/209
Draft letter. Further regarding his dispute with Isaac Newton's theory on the moon.
25 October 1848 Sender: John Frederick William Herschel Reference number: HS/1/210
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding the annual equation of the moon's motion.
25 October 1848 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/211
Draft letter. Regarding the moon's orbit.
27 October 1848 Sender: John Frederick William Herschel Reference number: HS/1/212
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding the annual equation of the moon's orbit.
30 October 1848 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/213
Autograph letter signed by sender. Observations on John Frederick William Herschel's chapters [of Admiralty Manual?] received from the printers.
27 November 1848 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/214
Draft letter, incomplete. John Frederick William Herschel comments on quality of Georg Merz object glasses.
1848-2 Sender: John Frederick William Herschel Reference number: HS/23/12
Copy of draft letter, copied as part of the correspondence project led by Colonel John Herschel FRS following the death of his father. Regarding Isaac Newton's theory of the motion of the moon's apse. Concerning the reliability of J. H. Seyfforth's theories. Status of the Ipswich Philosophical Society.
21 October 1848 Sender: John Frederick William Herschel Reference number: HS/23/43
Copy of draft letter, copied as part of the correspondence project led by Colonel John Herschel FRS following the death of his father. Further regarding his dispute with Isaac Newton's theory on the moon.
25 October 1848 Sender: John Frederick William Herschel Reference number: HS/23/44
Copy of draft letter, copied as part of the correspondence project led by Colonel John Herschel FRS following the death of his father. Regarding the moon's orbit.
27 October 1848 Sender: John Frederick William Herschel Reference number: HS/23/45Sir John Herschel publishes Outlines of Astronomy.

Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding the 'chilled' casting of a telescope.
7 March 1849 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/215
Autograph letter signed by sender. Returning papers of Yvon Villarceau and an abstract of them, together with comments on them.
17 April 1849 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/216
Autograph letter signed by sender. Informing John Frederick William Herschel that they have been appointed members of a committee for proving a three foot reflector for the Cape Town Observatory.
25 September 1849 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/217
Draft in John Herschel's hand. Has heard nothing beyond what George Biddell Airy has said [see George Biddell Airy's 1849-9-25], but agrees with George Biddell Airy's assessment of the situation.
28 October 1849 Sender: John Frederick William Herschel Reference number: HS/1/218
Copy of draft letter, copied as part of the correspondence project led by Colonel John Herschel FRS following the death of his father. Has heard nothing beyond what George Biddell Airy has said [see George Biddell Airy's 1849-9-25], but agrees with George Biddell Airy's assessment of the situation.
28 October 1849 Sender: John Frederick William Herschel Reference number: HS/23/74Sir John Herschel is appointed Master of the Mint

Autograph letter signed by sender. Committee set up by the B.A.A.S. to consider methods of observing the forthcoming eclipse of the sun; observations on this.
18 August 1850 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/219Sir John Herschel serves as juror of the Great Exhibition

Autograph letter signed by sender. Has sent testimonial regarding John Hind to William Parsons (3rd Earl of Rosse).
9 April 1851 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/220
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding the observations on the recent eclipse of the sun.
29 August 1851 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/221
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding his recent tour around the Kent and Sussex borders.
18 December 1851 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/222
Autograph letter signed by sender. Giving his views on an observatory being linked with a university.
22 November 1852 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/223
Autograph letter signed by sender. Concerning George Biddell Airy's eclipse lecture and [G.] Seyffarth's claims reGeorge Biddell Airyrding eclipse observations.
7 February 1853 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/224
Draft letter. Comments on accidental burns to John Frederick William Herschel's daughter Amelia.
9 February 1853 Sender: John Frederick William Herschel Reference number: HS/23/129
Autograph letter signed by sender. Results of observation of transits at Greenwich and Paris.
19 August 1854 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/225Birth of Constance Anne Herschel, daughter of John Frederick William Herschel and Margaret Brodie Stewart
Sir John Herschel is elected Foreign Associate of the Institut de France
Sir John Herschel resigns from his position as Master of the Mint

Autograph letter signed by sender. Requesting comments on enclosed papers concerning Greenwich Observatory.
24 October 1855 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/226
Autograph letter signed by sender. Is sending his speculations on the attraction of mountains.
14 December 1855 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/227
Autographed letter . Requesting advice on his reflex zenith tube. Regarding progress on 'Standards.'
14 April 1856 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/228
Autograph letter signed by sender. Wants one or more of John Frederick William Herschel's actinometers. Notes his suggestion about the zenith tube.
23 April 1856 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/229
Autograph letter signed by sender. Relating his experiments with the zenith tube.
17 May 1856 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/230
Autograph letter signed by sender. Has procured an actinometer and would like details of the scale.
3 June 1856 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/231
Autograph letter signed by sender. Relating his experiences on his recent tours abroad.
19 August 1856 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/232
Autographed letter, incomplete. Regarding experiments on the Mohamet's coffin theory. His son Wilfrid has won a scholarship at Trinity College, Cambridge.
4-6-1856 or earlier Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/330
Draft letter. [Reply to George Biddell Airy's [1856-4-6 or earlier] on Mohamet's coffin theory.] Congratulations on George Biddell Airy's son winning a scholarship. John Frederick William Herschel's health is better, but he cannot walk yet.
6 April 1856 Sender: John Frederick William Herschel Reference number: HS/1/331
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding P. S. Laplace's barometric measurements. Michael Faraday.
20 March 1857 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/233
Autograph letter signed by sender. Note accompanying forwarding of a paper by Otto Struve, and other minor matters.
21 May 1857 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/233a
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding errors in Francis Baily's tables.
1 October 1857 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/234
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding orbits of comets. Lunar elements John Frederick William Herschel requires are given in P. A. Hansen's tables.
3 October 1857 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/235
Copy of a letter. Suggests ways of eliminating transmission of vibration to a piece of sensitive equipment.
16 April 1857 Sender: John Frederick William Herschel Reference number: HS/23/197
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding a possible successor to U. J. J. Leverrier at the Paris Observatory.
25 June 1858 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/236
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding an observer for the forthcoming eclipse.
2 July 1858 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/237
Autograph letter signed by sender. Encloses copy of a letter addressed to George Biddell Airy from Toronto University (dated 30 October 1858 and stating that the Toronto Observatory has not been closed in spite of what the Royal Society [of London] and B.A.A.S. joint committee have stated). Difficulties because of Edward Sabine's illness.
19 November 1858 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/238
Draft letter. Giving reply for George Biddell Airy to send to Toronto. Is grieved to hear of Edward Sabine's illness.
23 November 1858 Sender: John Frederick William Herschel Reference number: HS/1/239
Copy of draft letter, copied as part of the correspondence project led by Colonel John Herschel FRS following the death of his father. Giving reply for George Biddell Airy to send to Toronto. Is grieved to hear of Edward Sabine's illness.
23 November 1858 Sender: John Frederick William Herschel Reference number: HS/23/248Regarding the value of the Society's proposed magnetic establishment [near Vancouver Island], the state of light instruments, as well as the expense of publishing abstracts of observations.
21 December 1858 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: MC/5/380
Autograph letter signed by sender. Wants information for the proposed visit to Auvergne. Regarding the motion of the sun.
14 March 1859 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/240
Autograph letter signed by sender. Relating to his holiday experience in France.
13 August 1859 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/241
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding the geographical position of places in France. Comments on John Frederick William Herschel's paper on light and colors.
26 August 1859 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/242
Autograph letter signed by sender. Encloses a paper and gives his comments on it.
9 September 1859 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/243
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding telescopes in various places.
25 November 1859 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/244Sir John Herschel publishes in the Proceedings of the Royal Society
1860: Sir John Herschel publishes some “Remarks on colour-blindness" extracted from a referee report on Pole’s paper on the same subject.

Autograph letter signed by sender. Passes on information on stars received from a Bengal pilot.
1 March 1860 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/245
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding the printing of John Frederick William Herschel's British Metrical scale. Comparison between the chimes of Big Ben and those of St. Mary's, Cambridge.
21 April 1860 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/246
Autograph letter signed by sender. Further details on the chimes of Big Ben.
23 April 1860 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/247
Autograph letter signed by sender. Thanking him for his paper on telescopes. Observations of John Frederick William Herschel's semicircular map of the world.
7 December 1860 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/248Death of Margaret Louisa Marshall, née Herschel, daughter of John Frederick William Herschel and Margaret Brodie Stewart
William Morris established the decorative design firm of Morris, Marshall, Faulkner & Company (later Morris & Company)
Charles Dickens publishes Great Expectations as a three-volume book
Sir John Herschel publishes Physical Geography as part of the Encyclopaedia Britannica.
Abraham Lincoln begins his term as President of the United States
4 March 1861

Autograph letter signed by sender. Offering sympathy on the death of John Frederick William Herschel's daughter [Margaret Louisa].
24 January 1861 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/249
Autograph letter signed by sender. Is sending a tract on 'Probable Errors.' Further observations on John Frederick William Herschel's article on telescopes.
27 March 1861 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/250
Autograph letter signed by sender. Asks for his comments on the results of his Magnetic Register 1848-1857.
22 April 1861 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/251
Draft letter in John Herschel's hand. Asks George Biddell Airy many questions about his magnetical explanation [see GA's 1861-4-22].
23 April 1861 Sender: John Frederick William Herschel Reference number: HS/1/252
Autograph letter signed by sender. Further remarks concerning his Magnetic Registers [see George Biddell Airy's 1861-4-22].
23 April 1861 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/253
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding the evaporation of water as a source of electricity. Magnetic results in relation to the North Atlantic.
24 April 1861 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/254
Autograph letter signed by sender. Encloses printed copies of letters received from Johann Lamont regarding apparatus for examining Galvanic currents in the earth; would like his comments on them. Gave lecture in Manchester on the eclipse.
23 September 1861 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/255
Copy of draft letter, copied as part of the correspondence project led by Colonel John Herschel FRS following the death of his father. Asks George Biddell Airy many questions about his magnetical explanation [see George Biddell Airy's 1861-4-22].
23 April 1861 Sender: John Frederick William Herschel Reference number: HS/23/329
Autograph letter signed by sender. Has received notice from the Foreign Office that the Russian Government has sanctioned the establishment of a magnetic and meteorological observatory at Pekin.
17 April 1862 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/256
Autograph letter signed by sender. Concerning Thomas Maclear.
3 January 1863 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/257
Autograph letter signed by sender. Giving results (including diagram) of a comparison of earth currents and magnetometer disturbances.
9 February 1863 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/258
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding William Lassell's nebulae drawings in the Royal Astronomical Society's Memoirs. House of Commons action concerning 'Weights and Measures.'
14 August 1863 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/259
Autograph letter signed by sender. Has climbed Ben Nevis.
14 August 1863 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/260
Autograph letter signed by sender. Concerning the 'Standards.'
7 October 1863 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/261
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding A. R. Clarke's paper on Geodesy. Benjamin Peirce's Lunar Table. The sun's parallax. John Frederick William Herschel's nebulae catalogue. Regarding the English inch.
9 October 1863 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/262
Autograph letter signed by sender. ReGeorge Biddell Airyrding employment for George Biddell Airy's son in the Educational Departments in India.
27 October 1863 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/263
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding the Proceedings of the Southern Telescope Committee.
21 November 1863 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/264
Autograph letter signed by sender. Requesting John Frederick William Herschel to write to Thomas Maclear to get him to finish his work on the Trigonometrical Survey of the Cape.
27 November 1863 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/265
Autograph letter signed by sender. Is returning correspondence on Southern Telescope Committee and the Melbourne telescope. Comments on the working of the scheme.
2 December 1863 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/266
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding the work of Thomas Maclear.
2 December 1863 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/267
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding John Frederick William Herschel's remarks about colored fringes in the clouds.
2 December 1863 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/268
Autograph letter signed by sender. Thanking him for his statement about solar motion.
2 December 1863 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/269
Copy of a letter. Comments on the possibility of employment in India for George Biddell Airy's son, Hubert.
20 October 1863 Sender: John Frederick William Herschel Reference number: HS/24/20
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding Thomas Spring-Rice (1st Baron Monteagle), the Treasury and the Commission on Weights and Measures.
27 January 1864 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/270
Autograph letter signed by sender. Further regarding the forthcoming meeting of the Standards Commission. Regarding John Frederick William Herschel's 'Catalogue of Nebulae.'
6 February 1864 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/271
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding John Frederick William Herschel's forthcoming visit. On the platinum in the pound weight becoming browned.
8 February 1864 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/272
Autograph letter signed by sender. Expecting him soon. Experiments on the National pound.
13 February 1864 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/273
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding the transit of Mercury. Error in calculating the pound weights.
23 February 1864 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/274
Autograph letter signed by sender. Meeting of the Standards Commission on 16 March.
9 March 1864 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/275
Autograph letter signed by sender. Meeting of the Standard Commission on 29 April.
23 April 1864 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/276
Autograph letter signed by sender. Sending him the map of the world.
23 April 1864 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/277
Autograph letter signed by sender. Sending him the draft of the Report of the Standards Committee for his signature.
5 August 1864 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/278
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding the opposition to the proposed introduction of the French Metrical system.
28 September 1864 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/279
Autograph letter signed by sender. Daughter has returned from Switzerland.
28 September 1864 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/280
Autograph letter signed by sender. Informing him that he has just heard of the death of Wilhelm Struve.
24 November 1864 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/281
Autograph letter signed by sender. Is returning the Proceedings of the Manchester Society, and The Magnetical and Meteorological Observations for 1851-58. Regarding the registration of magnetical disturbances.
12 April 1865 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/282
Autograph letter signed by sender. Concerning John Frederick William Herschel's memorial to W. R. Hamilton's daughter. Holiday in Keswick. Comments on John Frederick William Herschel's papers on optics and force.
10 October 1865 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/283
Draft letter in John Herschel's hand. Is working on a problem in polarized light, and finds his result disagreeing with F. J. D. Arago's third law; leads John Frederick William Herschel to think light cannot be undulatory in nature.
16 October 1865 Sender: John Frederick William Herschel Reference number: HS/1/284
Autograph letter signed by sender. Writes about a long standing, very old, member of the Royal Observatory's Board of Visitors [W. H. Smyth] having been summarily dismissed from the Board.
18 October 1865 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/285
Autograph letter signed by sender. Explaining John Frederick William Herschel's polarization difficulty [see John Frederick William Herschel's 1865-10-16].
18 October 1865 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/286
Signed document. Printed address of the Astronomer Royal to individual members of the Board of Visitors of the Royal Observatory.
21 October 1865 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/287
Autograph letter signed by sender. Further regarding polarized light and its interferences.
30 October 1865 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/288
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding I. K. Brunel's bridges and John Frederick William Herschel's letter on suspension roofs. Effects of a thunderstorm on a water barometer.
13 December 1865 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/289
Copy of draft letter, copied as part of the correspondence project led by Colonel John Herschel FRS following the death of his father. Is working on a problem in polarized light, and finds his result disagreeing with F. J. D. Arago's third law; leads John Frederick William Herschel to think light cannot be undulatory in nature.
16 October 1865 Sender: John Frederick William Herschel Reference number: HS/24/124Sir John Herschel publishes his translation of Homer’s Iliad

Autograph letter signed by sender. Has sent the 1854 Greenwich Magnetical and Meteorological Observations. Illness of the Master of Trinity College, Cambridge (William Whewell). Undulating theory of stars in motion.
1 March 1866 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/290
Autograph letter signed by sender. Further regarding the possible introduction of the metrical system for weights and measures.
20 April 1866 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/291
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding the measurement of the heat and light of the sun by means of the movements of a comet.
21 April 1866 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/292
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding John Frederick William Herschel's remarks on Robert Willis. Comments on the usefulness of W. H. Miller of Cambridge.
21 April 1866 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/293
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding the documents for the Standards Commission.
27 April 1866 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/294
Autograph letter signed by sender. Is sending a packet of seven papers on metrical and decimal systems.
4 May 1866 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/295
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding the visit by E. A. S. Seymour (12th Duke of Somerset) to the Board of Visitors.
24 May 1866 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/296
Autograph letter signed by sender. New date for proposed meeting on the Charles [=K. L. C.] Rmker business.
26 May 1866 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/297
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding visitation card for the Royal Observatory for John Frederick William Herschel's son John.
26 May 1866 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/298
Autograph letter signed by sender. Wants a paper for the Royal Astronomical Society on the Corona star [T Coronae].
26 May 1866 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/299
Autograph letter signed by sender. Fixing a new time for the meeting to discuss Charles Rmker.
31 May 1866 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/300
Autograph letter signed by sender. Is glad John Frederick William Herschel is going to assist with the Standards. Outlines his scheme for the Standards.
13 September 1866 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/301
Autograph letter signed by sender. Wants John Frederick William Herschel's opinion on the question of maintaining observatories at Bombay and Madras.
24 September 1866 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/302
Autograph letter signed by sender. Would like account of shooting stars by John Frederick William Herschel's son [Alexander]. Gives his observations on the properties of shooting stars.
5 October 1866 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/303Sir John Herschel publishes Familiar Lectures on Scientific Subjects

Autograph letter signed by sender. Thanking him for lecture papers. Has sent his paper on partial differential equations.
29 January 1867 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/304
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding earth currents and galvanic registers. Results of recent experiments on these.
14 August 1867 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/305
Autograph letter signed by sender. Thanking him for his paper on Indian Standards and systems of measurement.
14 September 1867 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/306
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding the theory of magnetic currents.
14 September 1867 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/307Benjamin Disraeli becomes Prime Minister
1 February 1868
William Gladstone becomes Prime Minister
1 December 1868

Autograph letter signed by sender. Further regarding his theories on sound.
27 March 1868 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/308
Autograph letter signed by sender. Has received the bill of William Ewart concerning the metrical scale.
27 March 1868 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/309
Autograph letter signed by sender. Is sending William Pole's protest against the system of equal temperament in music [abstract of protest given].
26 May 1868 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/310
Autograph letter signed by sender. Stating that the Board of Visitors could not afford to lose the services of John Frederick William Herschel.
26 May 1868 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/311
Autograph letter signed by sender. Further regarding the theory of sound.
16 October 1868 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/312
Copy of a letter. Thanks for gift sent to John Frederick William Herschel's daughter Amelia; comments on William Petrie's number mysticism with the Great Pyramid.
25 June 1868 Sender: John Frederick William Herschel Reference number: HS/24/217Jules Verne serializes Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea
1869: (Vingt Mille Lieues sous les Mers)

Autograph letter signed by sender. Is sending his lectures on magnetism he gave at Cambridge.
6 May 1869 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/313

Autograph letter signed by sender. Concerning John Frederick William Herschel's Mahomet's coffin theory.
18 May 1869 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/315
Autograph letter signed by sender. Gives information on the rotational periods of Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn [see John Frederick William Herschel's 1869-5-30].
31 May 1869 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/316
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding John Frederick William Herschel's letter to the Times on the gold coinage question.
4 September 1869 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/317
Copy of draft letter, copied as part of the correspondence project led by Colonel John Herschel FRS following the death of his father. Has read the syllabus of George Biddell Airy's lectures on magnetism; it reminds John Frederick William Herschel of his attempt to solve the problem of 'Mahomet's coffin', which John Frederick William Herschel still believes would work.
8 May 1869 Sender: John Frederick William Herschel Reference number: HS/24/256
Copy of a letter. Has John Frederick William Herschel seen R. A. Proctor's theory regarding the Milky Way?
5 February 1870 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/318
Autograph letter signed by sender. Has he heard about the resignations of the Assistants at the Paris Observatory? Further regarding the present situation at the Paris Observatory.
9 February 1870 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/319
Autograph letter signed by sender. Is sending extract of a letter [included] received from R. L. J. Ellery, Melbourne[deals with observations of Eta Argus].
26 February 1870 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/320
A letter [see HS/1/320] received from R L J Ellery, Melbourne [deals with observations of Eta Argus].
3 January 1870 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/321
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding Alexander Herschel's paper on acoustical oscillations recently sent to G. A. Erman.
6 June 1870 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/322
Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding George Biddell Airy's proposed visit to Hawkhurst. Is losing the services of his first assistant. Book on magnetism almost printed. Is revising his article on sound. Is trying out a water telescope.
31 July 1870 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/323
Autograph letter signed by sender. Is sending G. G. Stokes's instructions about polarization. Observation parties are off to Oran, Gibraltar and Cadiz.
5 December 1870 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/324
Autograph letter signed by sender. Is sending two copies of his book on magnetism [Treatise on Magnetism (London, 1870)].
21 December 1870 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/325
Draft letter. Thanking him for copies of books. People at Collingwood are gazing at the eclipse. Concerning the astatic needle.
22 December 1870 Sender: John Frederick William Herschel Reference number: HS/1/326
Copy of draft letter, copied as part of the correspondence project led by Colonel John Herschel FRS following the death of his father. Thanking him for copies of books. People at Collingwood are gazing at the eclipse. Concerning the astatic needle.
22 December 1870 Sender: John Frederick William Herschel Reference number: HS/24/342Death of Sir John Herschel, at Collingwood, Kent
11 May 1871
Sir John Herschel is buried at Westminster Abbey
19 May 1871

Autograph letter signed by sender. Regarding a reflector for observation of the forthcoming eclipse.
13 March 1871 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/327
Autograph letter signed by sender. What should he do with the letters received previously from her?
6 October 1875 Sender: George Biddell Airy Reference number: HS/1/328